Warp Records Memorial Mix by Eraserhead

Artist & DJ Eraserhead assembled this excellent mix of Warp Records (and related artists’) work a couple of years ago.  The 79-song track list is encyclopedic, covering every genre from ambient to breakcore.  Lots of very innovative mixing and layering here, but Eraserhead also knows when to completely switch it up.  In his words:

This project took me nearly a year to complete. It was made entirely on Cubase SX while I was studying for a BTEC in music technology. It was built in 12 seperate segments and then joined together to create a continuous mix.

An excellent “listening” mix with lots of impressive, head-nodding moments, and also a great way to taste some of the weirder parts of “intelligent dance music” without making the kind of auditory commitment an Autechre or Venetian Snares album demands.

Listen now:

Download here (right click and “save as”)

49 minutes /// 67.4 mb /// 192kbps .mp3

Track list after the jump… Continue reading