Carey Ott – Human Heart & The Collector


Here’s one of my favorite songs by Carey Ott, a Nashville singer-songwriter who I profiled a few months ago.  This one is called “Human Heart” and it’s the title track of Carey’s new album (which you can listen to here).  It’s super catchy and one of my favorites from the new album.  The Human Heart CD single, which includes the awesome  “Ain’t No Upside”  is due out soon.

Listen to “Human Heart” now: [audio:]

On a recent road trip to Chicago in late September Carey spent three days shooting a video. No script in hand, lots of thoughts and a beautiful sunny day in Chicago is how it started. The director / videographer / guru at large was Jim Quattrocki.  Two more days of intense and thoughtful visions and it was done.  Check out the video after the jump… Continue reading

Carey Ott – “Moving Parts” & “Ain’t No Upside”

careysmoneeyecroppedCarey Ott is one of my recent favorite singer / songwriters.  His new album, “Human Heart” is coming soon, and I can’t think of a better introduction to Carey’s music than these two singles: “Moving Parts” and “Ain’t No Upside.”  His songs are mellow, lyrical, ironic, humorous, and incredibly addictive.  You’ll be humming these tunes all day after just one listen.


“Ain’t No Upside” reminds me of a modern-day Bobby McFerrin ditty – a deft response to “Don’t Worry Be Happy” for a time period in our history that is anything but carefree.  There’s a video coming soon for this amazing song, but in the meantime check out some of the live performances on YouTube.


“Moving Parts” is by Murdo, a band that Carey Ott is part of.  Carey’s delivery in this song sounds a bit like the blues, delivered with a soft country twang accentuated with a gorgeous guitar line, as if you were hanging out with him on a sunny porch or a smoky country bar.  And yet, there’s an undercurrent of stinging truth in the lyrics, which pull back the curtains of mass media, religion, and politics to reveal the sordid “moving parts” behind the scenes.